
JSC AB «Bank of China Kazakhstan» is the participant of system of obligatory insurance deposits based on the Certificate No. 029 from June 13, 2005.System of obligatory insurance deposits is regulated by Act of the Republic of Kazakhstan from July 07, 2006 of No. 169 « On the Obligatory Insurance of Deposits Placed in the Second Tier Banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan». For these purposes the organization performing obligatory insurance deposits – JSC Kazakhstan deposit insurance fund was created - the non-profit organization created in 1999 to protect depositors' interests by insuring bank deposits and reimbursing losses occurred in case of the Deposit Insurance System member bank forcible liquidation.
According to Act of the Republic of Kazakhstan «About modification and additions in some legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan concerning banking regulation and the financial organizations regarding risk minimization» since January 1, 2012 the maximum warranty compensation on deposits of individuals remains in the amount of five million tenge. All money of individuals or the individual entrepreneur in bank are subject to insurance.
The additional information on insurance deposits you can get at specialists of Kazakhstan deposit insurance fund by telephone «hot lines»: 8 800 080 1020 (calls from landline phones across Kazakhstan free).
Address: 21 Koktem-3, of.509, Almaty, 050040, tel./fax: (727) 272 05 51
JSC AB «Bank of China Kazakhstan» offers for individuals open deposits in tenge, RMB, US dollars. The size of an interest rate depends on the amount and a deposit term. Percent are charged upon termination of a deposit term. Agreement can be prolonged for new term without an appearance of the depositor. Prolongation is made for the same term and on the same conditions, except for amount of interests. Thus amount of interests is established by Bank on a rate operating at date of prolongation according the type of a deposit.
Additional information by telephone: (727) 258-55-10 (ext. 1140, 1153).