Bank of China Kazakhstan - Documentary operations

Documentary operations

Increasing economic cooperation between Kazakhstan and China considerably increases need for provision of various tools of international settlements.

The most popular in settlements between partners are, undoubtedly, letters of credits.

LETTER OF CREDIT is a liability of bank to pay to the Seller of the goods or services a certain sum of money in case of timely representation in bank corresponding to conditions of the letter of credit of the documents confirming sending of the goods or accomplishment of services.

A number of benefits are available in case of this type of settlements:
  • for the seller - confidence of receipt of export revenue, by provision of the shipment documents, to the corresponding conditions of the letter of credit;
  • for the buyer - confidence that his bank won't pay to the Seller until the Seller won't provide the documents corresponding to conditions of the letter of credit to bank.

Opening the letter of credit in our bank, you have benefits:

  • the letter of credit opened by Bank of China doesn't require confirmation, Bank of China is the first-class bank with high ratings.
  • branches of Bank of China are present worldwide (32 countries).
  • to receive services in trade financing in an import and export.
    • the practical help in contract negotiation, the text of the letter of credit.
    • fast receipt of revenue at the expense of a wide correspondent network of bank.

JSC AB «Bank of China Kazakhstan» provides services in confirmation of the letters of credit issued by other banks.

BANKING GUARANTEE is a liability of Bank – the guarantor to pay to the receiver of the bank guarantee a certain sum of money according to the written requirement of the receiver of a guarantee and by provision of the documents, to the corresponding conditions of the bank guarantee.

Bank issues all types of bank guarantees, performance/payment guarantee, bid bond, advanced payment guarantee).

Additional information by telephone: (727) 258-55-10 (ext. 1200, 1152)

Service for Authenticity Verification of Guarantees or Standby Letters of Credit

Service Description

JSC AB "Bank of China Kazakhstan" (hereinafter referred to as the "Bank") provides a service for verifying the authenticity of guarantee letters or standby letters of credit (hereinafter referred to as "guarantee/standby letter of credit") issued by the Bank in written form.

 Application Submission Procedure

1.     Through the Beneficiary's Bank via SWIFT: The beneficiary may send an authenticated SWIFT message through the bank where they hold a settlement account to request verification. SWIFT Code of the Bank: BKCHKZKAXXX. The message must include key details of the guarantee/standby letter of credit, including but not limited to:

  • document number;
    • name of the issuing bank;
    • amount;
    • number of pages;
    • document number (if available).

Note: Providing full details ensures an accurate authenticity verification.

Through an Authorized Representative: The beneficiary may authorize a representative to submit a verification request at the Bank by providing:

  • the original guarantee/standby letter of credit;
  • the representative’s identification document;
  • a power of attorney or other documents confirming the representative’s authority.

If you have any questions or non-standard situations, please contact us: Telephone: +7 727 258 55 10 (extensions: 1200; 1152), Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . The Bank will promptly inform you about the possibility of verification and clarify the procedure.

Notification of Verification Results

  1. For requests submitted via SWIFT: A response will be sent within 7 business days through the SWIFT system.
  2. For requests submitted through the Bank: A response will be provided in written form, signed by an authorized representative of the Bank. The document can be collected in person or received by mail (registered mail/courier service).

Attention, please:

  • The Bank does not sendletters that are not signed by an authorized person.
  • The Bank does not confirm the authenticity of documents verbally or via personal email      addresses of employees.

JSC AB "Bank of China Kazakhstan"

Bank of China Kazakhstan
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Лицензия Банка на проведение банковских и иных операций от 03.02.2020 г. № 1.1.181